Isn't that defamation of character, without a conviction for the crime?

Derek Vinyard wrote:
> Legend:
> SO : my girlfriend
> FT : female thief
> SFT : sister of female thief works with SO
> MT : female thief's husband
> ok so my SO works with SFT. FT babysits for SFT. SFT is going on
> vacation and SFT is in need of money and obviously won't
> be able to babysit for SFT. SFT asked SO if FT could clean SO's house
> (FT has done it once in the past). SO had 600 bucks in a
> bedside table that was to be paid at the end of the day to landscapers
> that were working on the house. SO also had 4,800 in a
> small bag hidden in the closet. this was to go towards a kitchen
> remodelling we are to start this weekend. FT and her husband
> (who we did not know would be assisting) were cleaning the house. SO
> had to go home at noon to pay a stump removal guy. FT saw
> SO coming out of the closet with money in hand. ------> Fast Forward
> ------> SO comes home and goes to get 600 to pay landscaper.
> it's gone. goes in closet... gone. we call the police. and then i
> called FT and asked her where the bag (that held the money) was.
> of course she denies taking the money. i end up talking to MT and he
> tells me i should check out the "mudrats" that were out
> working in the yard. i told him, no way they were in the house, as our
> whole yard is dirt/mud there would be some evidence of them.
> him and his wife were the /only/ ones in our house. and besides how
> would they know to go up in the closet...?? i told him we know they
> are in need of money..etc etc.. (i won't repeat /exactly/ what i told
> him) he did tell me i "didn't know who i was talking to" i told
> i wasn't too worried about that.. (he just had back surgery..) told
> him i would just kick him in the spine :) anyway.. MT says they don't
> need money... they have a (get this...) $9,000 car.. "what type of car
> do i have" well this pretty much floored me.. i was like.. WTF..
> anyway... police report is filed. claim has been filed with insurance
> company.. i asked the cop the speed of the process.. he said a
> detective
> will be looking into it.. it was a felony.. etc.. but it's cash. and i
> really doubt we will get (any of) it back...
> me.. i'm a vengeful sonofabitch. screw with me, i'll go after you
> /and/ your whole family. i don't care, i don't have morals when it
> comes to
> things i deem "an eye for an eye" but i'll wait. i will wait my sweet
> time. things will happen.. and they won't even realize it.. anyway..
> my question is....
> can i pass out flyers in their neighborhood talking about their
> "alleged" involvement in the crime? or would that be considered
> defamation
> of character.. which is what i want to do... i just want to do it the
> right way. for now..

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