Gruss, you are still not in economics here. What you say is true in terms of
personal finance and career planning. Of course. However, as long as there
is a McDonald's, people will work there and the question is, how much should
they be paid? The fact that they may individually all be better off working
elsewhere does not change this question.

I did see an argument against the proposal this morning by a local
restaurant owner that made a great deal of sense, at least on first reading,
but his objections seemed to mainly be with the tipped employees. Still, it
is true that there is not only the wage to consider, there is also FICA...
 On tariffs, I do not yet have an opinion as the question seems to be very
complicated. On the issue of the local living wage ordinance, I am
tentatively in favor as, with the exception of the above, I have yet to see
a coherent argument against.


 On 9/27/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Matthew wrote:
> > I want our government to preserve and protect
> > the jobs we have here.
> This is the exact same argument as the minimum wage: pay people a wage
> they didn't earn because they can't compete. Only instead of city
> based it's country based. It's a global economy and once the fiber
> optic was layed it will never go away.
> I see protecting your job as your responsibility with the government
> providing you tools to do that (education, technology infrastructure,
> etc) Basically the government puts you in the game, but it's up to
> you to hit the ball.
> To protect your job you need to do it faster, cheaper, and better than
> anyone else. If you can do that, you're protected. If you can't,
> change jobs.
> If you try to protect yourself from the barbarians at the gate your
> walls end up crumbling. The best way to deal with it is head on: get
> in shape, learn some moves, throw open the gates and ATTACK!

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