so there is definitely an economic impact? We didn't see one here, but that
may be a matter of geography. If you drive out of town, in most directions
you wind up in an indian reservation, with a casino but little else. Also,
they exempted establishments that make more than a certain amount of their
sales from alcohol.


 On 9/30/05, Deanna Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not a smoker, so all my opinions are biased. There's great contention
> here about the smoking ban. It's come back up for vote once already (in a
> measure to appeal the ban which narrowly lost). It seems that those
> hardest
> hit by the ban are the little neighborhood working-class joints. The more
> upscale bars or the student bars don't seem to be bothered too much. You
> do
> now see crowds of people hovering around doorways. Should be interesting
> to
> see what happens.
> I have mixed feelings. I think it's a complicated issue in that what one
> person does affects the health of those around them. I love being able to
> go
> out with no smoke around me. But, I also feel for all the bartenders and
> business owners and waitstaff who's incomes are suffering.
> On 9/30/05, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > that explains that then. Just wondered as the governor is now jumping on
> > the
> > bandwagon, though with lower numbers from what I gather.
> > Other question out of curiosity, how is the local smoking ban working
> out?
> > And do you personally smoke? We had one a couple of years back and I'm
> > loving it, but I'm a non-smoker and we don't have the sort of quilted
> > jurisdictions you describe. Only one small village inside Albuquerque,
> and
> > several on the fringes.
> >
> > Dana
> > On 9/30/05, Deanna Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > There was specific language that stated that the state law supercedes
> > all
> > > local laws.
> > >
> > > The local smoking ban passed. The state smoking ban is still in limbo.
> > >
> > > On 9/27/05, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Pausing between tasks here. I am not really sure why the state law
> > > > overrides
> > > > the local ordinance unless there was language specifically saying
> so?
> > > Just
> > > > interested in how this has worked (or not) elsewhere.
> > > > And by the way, did the no smoking ordinance pass?
> > > > Dana
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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