yes, because they need a second job to acquire housing in most areas of the
 If they had plenty of time to think about a career path in high school, why
are you proposing federal intervention is schools? (shudder).

>Raising the minimum wage does not create wealth; it just circumvents
>market forces to transfer it from its rightful owner(s).
 It puts more money in circulation. That's the macroeconomics argument in

>If I were in the position of earning minimum wage, what would I want:
>somebody to teach me how to get a higher paying job and start a career
>regardless of MW, or someone to raise my wage just enough to keep me
>trapped there?
 I don't know what *you* would want. Seems like *you* would want someone to
lecture you about how home ownership is a good thing. Doh. You said you
family was lower-middle-class. They didn't know this? I know may father was
definitely poor when he emigrated, and as soon as he had money enough he
bought a house.
 I really don't think knowledge is the issue. It's time. Remember Isaac's
mother? If you're making thirty-five or fifty cents an hour net, meaning
that it takes sixty hours a week just to keep your kids in diapers, you may
not feel that college is worth the time away from your kids. Or, as in her
case you may not think you *can* go to college. Either way, the problem is
not not knowing that there are other possibilities.


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