I got them to scrub 3 of the charges because the way that the billing is
done is different than the way the the site displays things.
 I had to fight with them for an hour, and go up three levels, just sickens
 I have a 'military' acocunt with them. WTF would they have done if I was
still in Afghanistan when this happened? 'I'm sorry your husband is off
fighting, so I don't have to, but theres nothing I cand'.

 On 10/6/05, Matthew Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Will they work with you on this? You have to be really tough on them.
> Close your account if you have to. Write a letter to the President. That
> will usually get you somewhere, but ONLY if your case is clearly strong.
> Matthew Small
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:39 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: rant
> Ok,
> Seriously pissed off.
> I know no one should ever go NSF on their bank account. I know this. I
> understand that the bank charges for over draft, but this is insane, and
> is
> directly calculated to make the bank more money on the little guy when he
> hits a problem.
> Ok,
> So it's Friday a few weeks ago. We have a $500 balance. We do normal
> weekend stuff, go out, do our food shopping, rent some movies, order in
> one
> night. <cf_aside>Now we had deposited an 1800 dollar check on
> Thursday</cf_aside>
> Ok,
> We're doing our checkbook last night. There are 4 different overdraft
> charges on our account. 4.
> There is only one listed overdraft transfer though. 300 something for our
> groceries. Also the check cleared that day. According to what I see
> through Bank of America's web interface before the overdraft occurred.
> So I call these douche bags. They say that they process debits than they
> process deposits on Monday morning.
> Wait wait it gets better.
> Also they start at the largest debit and work there way down. Let me
> explain this for the slower of you. You have 5 charges lets say. 300, 100,
> 40, 20, 10. You have 350 dollars. If you go biggest to smallest the
> customer ends up with 4 overdraft charges, if you go the other way around
> the customer only gets one. Also they double the price of the overdraft
> charge if there are more than two of them. So not only do you have no
> fucking money, you are now in debt to the bank.
> arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh

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