Heh, hardly - was just recalling my first experiences as being a young 
'noob' - okay so I'm not quite yet 30, so I guess it wasn't all that 
long ago.

Seriously though - at one time I used to be like this 'newbie'. Was 
working for a Fed. marketing firm in DC doing VB and FoxPro over DOS in 
like '94. (crikey that was a long time ago). Heh, I thought I new it all 
back then, too.  And there was this semi-sorta-new thing called the 
'web' that was just beginning to rear its ugly head. I recall 
approaching the VP of tech to get in on this - his response (seriously) 
"Its a fad that's going to go the way of CB radio..."

I digress, anyways, snapshot a year or so later when I got an entry 
level internet dev job, simply coding HTML - I worked with some serious 
die-hard purists. Everything was done in VI and textpad. No fancy IDE, 
no WYSIWIG. Best introduction to the web I could have. Now when I break 
in new converts, interns, and give workshops - I really try to bang this 
concept home. Crawl before you walk.

Seems like too many of the 'new school' are dependant on software and 
open-source refactoring like sourceforge without really learning how to 
write the code themselves. Perhaps we're reaching a developmental 
paradigm shift. *shrug* Who knows?


Ben Doom wrote:

><editor of choice> is vi for kindergardeners?
>Short Fuse Media wrote:
>>Better yet - set the youngin' down in front of vi and ask him to crank 
>>out a valid xhtml spec document....
>>....watch him cry...
>>....then laugh.
>>Ben Doom wrote:
>>>Heeheehee.  Give him a wrench and tell him to fix smoething with screws. 
>>>When he asks for a screwdriver, tell him screwdrivers are wrenches for 
>>>kindergardeners.  :-)

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