We should know by tomorrow.

On 10/6/05, Gruss Gott  wrote:
> Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor, said it was
> unusual for a witness to be called back to the grand jury four times
> and that the prosecutor's legally required warning to Rove before this
> next appearance is "an ominous sign" for the presidential adviser.
> "It suggest Fitzgerald has learned new information that is tightening
> the noose," Gillers said. "It shows Fitzgerald now, perhaps after
> Miller's testimony, suspects Rove may be in some way implicated in the
> revelation of Plame's identity or that Fitzgerald is investigating
> various people for obstruction of justice, false statements or
> perjury. That is the menu of risk for Rove."
> ---------------------------
> Something's definitely going on here.  First the release of Ms.
> Miller, now Rove returning?  Something's up: either Mr. Fitzgerald has
> notified the Whitehouse they're in trouble or they are giving him
> enough slack for plausible deniability.

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