>> Dana wrote:
>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1654661,00.html

You guys love to bash Rightie Fox News, what about Leftie Guardian? They are 
hardly what I would call the font of objective journalism. I wouldn't call 
anything objective journalism. As I have said, everyone has an agenda.

>The Neo-Con technique is top down: put Chalabis in place and force
>elections.  Hope that democracy flows "top down".

Your argument makes the assumption that the Iraqis would not hold elections 
without "being forced". I guess the Iraqis are just too stupid or thuggish to 
want democracy for themselves, is that what you are saying? The Kurds have had 
a democratic mini-state for more than ten years and they love it.

>If nothing else, we'll find out if this works.  So far it's not.

How can you say that when the Iraqi people have now voted in two democratic 
elections and are preparing for a third, to elect a government? What is your 
benchmark for a working democracy? 

I said it before and I'll say it again, you (and many others) are just bound 
and determined to call Iraq a failure, facts be damned. Is Iraq Switzerland? 
No. But I would rate the situation in Iraq as better than the situation in 
Colombia, where the federal government only controls about 50% of the country. 
Do you regard Colombia as a failed state? 

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