> RoMunn wrote:
> I guess the Iraqis are just too stupid or thuggish to want democracy for 
> themselves

Democracy is not the product of enlightenment, it's a lifestyle, and
it's one that some people may not like and/or understand.  Further,
democracy requires responsibility and participation.  And not just in
big national elections - it requires it all the way down to the local
level.  An elected dictator is still a dictator - his election did not
prove a democratic state.

> I said it before and I'll say it again, you (and many others) are just bound 
> and determined to call

That's either a cop out or a lack of understanding.  I'd be the first
to put on the party hat if we could've walked out of Iraq 2 years ago.

My issue is that Mr. Bush was a fool to get involved in
nation-building (something he campaigned against), has consistently
listened to the wrong people, and continues to.  His tactics still
have us on square one - remember this criticism: "we don't have enough
troops"  Well who was right?  The critics.  To call the handling of
the occupation "bungled" is an insult to bunglers.

In short, national elections don't mean shit unless there's a
groundswell of local democracy happening.  If there is, I haven't
heard about it, and it certainly doesn't seem as if our efforts are
concentrated on ground-up democracy, but rather top-down.

I think that's a stupid policy, but if it gets all of our troops home
tomorrow - great!

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