You think vaporing the planet will solve anything? Sure it would be fun at 
first, but it the fun would go away in time and then what do you have?

The moon flying out of control into mars.

You know it is actually a large bomb that was sent into orbit, so if it 
should loose contact with the Pentagon, it would leave Earth Orbit and 
travel strait to Mars.

Thus destroying both planets.

At 05:21 PM 1/8/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>In the interest of political correctness, from now on, all sites should list
>Mars first, followed by Norway and Australia, and those in the US should be
>forced to type their country into a box labeled "Other".  Further, the
>default language of all sites shall be Swahili and the English version
>should only contain a small subset of the full Swahili functionality.  An
>alternate Braille version should also be available which contains backwards
>compatibility to the Atari 2600 lynx browser module from 1982.  All
>references to "He" or "She" shall be replaced with "Intelligent Life" (PETA
>loves that).  The only accepted form of ecom payment shall be the Euro with
>all change given in Rupees, except for in Norway, where change will be given
>in Argentinean Pesos.  Also, all data centers and network access points
>residing on lands foreably taken from it's rightful owners shall revert it's
>ownership back to the indigenous people from that area.
>Oh, and you have 24 hours to surrender or we will vaporize your planet.
>- The Mars Council (formerly the Fusebox Council)
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