That is not what she said in her interviews.

According to her, she and her mother insisted to Cheney they really
needed to report it. He said if they wanted to, go ahead, but he
wasn't going to be involved.

He also did not report to the President that HE had been involved.
>From the current scuttlebut, it was his Secret Service attachment that
reported it back to their superiors, they in turn passed it to the
White House. It wasn't until Sunday that the WhiteHouse learned it was
Cheney that had done the shooting.

It is an important story, not at all because of what happened (it was
certainly just a tragic hunting accident), but because of how the VP
reacted, how he did or did not let his boss know, how the White House
is going to handle this scandal (whether to get out in front of it,
stonewall, lie about it) and how Cheney/Bush/The Administration feels
about the media.

It gives everyone (including Bush) an insight into how Cheney might
handle a REAL scandal, which can't make Rove or Bush sleep any better
at night.

On 2/14/06, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is reason that this is a big story. The national press is throwing a 
> hissy fit at being "left out" of the story. The press is there to "make 
> news", and they need material to make news from. Is it a news story? Sure. Is 
> it a big deal news story? Not really.
> Here is why the story didn't get reported sooner, or to the national media. 
> Cheney let the owner of the ranch decide what to do. She thought about it and 
> came to the conclusion that she had two options:

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