I'll follow my conspiracy with your line of thinking and say that Israel 
doesn't care about the world knowing, it cares about it's enemies thinking 
that it has the bomb to prevent them from doing another all-out attack. The 
leak that they (supposedly) had the  bomb came after there was a war in 
which they didn't use it.

Iraq invaded Kuwait and tried to annex it. They shot missiles at Saudi 
Arabia, Israel and other places. They pissed off a LOT of people and they 
had to at least seem like they had a 'hold card' to keep them alive. Problem 
is, they were already in the dog house with the UN and America so there were 
investigations into if they actually had them. On the whole, the Iraq war is 
their own fault for implying through action, inaction and blocking of 
inspectors that they had them. But that's only one reason in a long list for 
(and against) the war.

> On 3/17/06, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Now for the conspiracy theory. Israel has no nukes. They never did. They
>> have been fooling their enemies for the last 50 odd years by making them
>> think they have the bomb and in that way keeping relatively safe. The
>> whistle-blower was a dupe and to this day it's a secret known only to the
>> top of their military and intelligence. But that's just a conspiracy 
>> theory.
>> We all know that they have nukes....don't we?
> Heh - interesting to contemplate since this thread started out with
> the argument that Iraq was intentionally trying to fool the world into
> thinking it had WMD.  If Israel is doing the same what does that mean?
> In reality, they are totally different circumstances, but it's
> interesting to draw a parallel on that specific bit.
> -Cameron

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