I guess I am unclear about what your issue is with my argument.

Are you saying that with a flat tax the poor would be taxed on all
their money because all of their money is spent on food clothing and

If so, I agree. I am of the opinon that when you run a flat tax you
definitely favor the wealthy and/or higher income tax brackets. They
pay a bigger burden, sure, but the amount left over is more than

I thought I was clear in saying that there should be _no_ taxes on
income, earned or un-earned.

No income tax means that the poor person who currently pays
withholding at 10% (figures are used for example, not representative
of actual figures) would have still have that money. Likewise, the
people paying 25% would have that money back in their pockets as well.

Now whether those people choose to save a little bit of that money or
not, is up to them. They should be given the opportunity. If they take
it, good, if not, then, well... one can only do so much.

So, how then would the government get the funds required?

Sales tax. Food, clothing, cars, houses, etc. would be taxed, just
like they are today.

You are taxed on consumption. Not on income.

> the problem with that though is that people who are eking out a living really 
> don't have the --

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
- Carrie Fisher

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