>A woman's place is in the home.

It's her place alright...she owns it.

> Minorities are lazy.

White's are already a minority in some large cities :)

> Being Gay is a sin.

I thought being gay was ok, it was "doing" gay that was a sin....

> What a woman does with her body is the Catholic Church's business.

They should concern themselves with what priest's are doing with their 

> Outsourcing jobs from this country is the right thing to do.

Ever get the urge to tell a tech support guy how many cow's you've eaten 
that year?

> The Evolution theory is just a theory with Scientific basis.

"Facts" are just things that everyone thinks are true!

> I gotta have more cowbell.

Guys....please....I put my pants on every morning just like you. Difference 
is, once my pants are on....i make gold records.

> How's that?  :)

Terrific....because i really don't feel like workin' today. 

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