I'd like to do that but I'm not exactly sure where it was before.  These 
guys here said that my settings were 14/8 (for a bipap) and they lowered 
them to 11/7.  But I seem to remember the top number going to 16 sometimes. 
Anyway, I might just go ahead and make these changes myself.  I need to find 
out how on the internet.

- Matt

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charlie Griefer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <cf-community@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: More on sleep apnea

> On 3/31/06, Chesty Puller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (Continuing a thread from a couple of months ago)
>> So I finally make an appointment with a sleep specialist so hopfully 
>> he'll figure out why my machine doesn't seem to be working as well as it 
>> used to.  Then, in the time between making the appointment and going to 
>> it, I realize that I'd inadvertantly changed the "stepping" setting on my 
>> machine to it's highest level.  After realizing this, I move it to the 
>> opposite end of the spectrum and I'm way better.
>>     That is, until I keep my appointment and the doctor recommends 
>> another sleep study.  Also, I have to meet with an internist, and also 
>> get an EKG from a heart doctor.  So I'm understandibly worried that 
>> there's a lot wrong with me.  The doctor tells me that I have mixed mode 
>> sleep apnea (both central and obstructive). And he also tells me that I 
>> seemed to be sleeping well with a lower pressure. Of course, I slept like 
>> crap that whole night at the sleep lab, but ok, you're the doc.  I knew I 
>> had problems when the machine was not blowing so hard before.
>>     Anyway, I had the machine adjusted to it's new lower pressure on 
>> Tuesday.  Wednesday I woke up tired.  Yesterday I woke up tired.  Today I 
>> slept fine until at 5:15, our cat started his howling and I was 
>> immediately awake with no chance of getting back to sleep because I could 
>> tell I was gasping for air every 5 minutes or so. I called the doc's 
>> office yesterday, and he's out until Monday.  So hopefully I can get it 
>> back to whatever I had before because that worked for me.  If I have to, 
>> I'll figure out how to change it myself. Sleep Apnea really, really 
>> sucks.
> Yeah it does.
> Can't you just re-adjust your machine to the setting that was working
> for you?  At least until you can contact your doc?  This way at least
> you're getting some sleep for the next few days.
> My surgery is scheduled for Monday.  Really hoping it'll fix things
> for me.  I just can't get used to the mask.
> --
> Charlie Griefer
> ================================================
> "...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
> and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
> you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
> Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."

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