"For crying out loud: you can't go anywhere anymore without a photo
ID, but for some reason you ought to be able to vote for a Democrat
without one."

"Indiana's Republican majority legislature passed a law requiring
photo ID at the polls last year as part of an effort to reduce voter
fraud, but the Democrats don't want to participate in reducing voter
fraud. That would upset them more than the hanging chads and Diebold

"This is amazing how brazenly honest the Democrats are about not
wanting photo IDs to vote. 'We need to have mechanisms whereby we can

-- Pearls of wisdom from guess who? :)

On 4/18/06, Dana Tierney wrote:
> I am not talking about the Electoral College. I am in favor of the Electoral 
> College.
> I have major questions about the integrity of the last two elections and 
> perhaps even the preceding ones too, who knows... I am definitely worried 
> about the next one. I was very glad that New Mexico went back to paper 
> ballots and I wish more states would do the same until a better solution is 
> found.
> >the electoral college?  He didn't win the popular election, big deal, most
> >presidents don't.

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