first of all, you assume that my support of the Democrats is as blind as yours 
to the Republicans sometimes seems to be. Second of all, the embassy takeover 
was, Jesus, almost thirty years ago. But hey, we used bad behavior that was 
almost as old as an excuse aganst the Iraqis, so that's ok...

As for Bush, I'll say it again, he's decimated the Bill of Rights and made the 
US look stupid abroad; created enemies  he didn't have before and stirred up 
the ones we did who might have been disposed to leave us alone; he has 
alienated people who were inclined to be our friends and caused untold needless 
carnage in Iraq. But hey, he's a nice guy ;\

I'll thank you not to put words in my mouth. I'd love to be wrong about all 
this. I don't think I am though. I don't think the US is a rogue state -- 
implies more that a rogue government -- but I can certainly see how that might 
be Iran's perception.

Personally I think you are just trying to change the subject :)


>I don't thnk you are stupid at all. I enjoy your participation and your
>opinions, even when I disagree with you. I just think you are spending so
>much time focusing on what you perceive to be your enemy - the Bush
>Administration - that yuou have become blinded to all other threats.
>How would it change things if a Democrat were President right now? Iran
>would still be trying to acquire enrichment capability and long-range
>missiles, they would still be chanting, "Death to America! Death to
>Israel!", they would still be the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the
>world. Hamas would still be in control of the Palestinian territories.
>We didn't start the war of words with this Iranian regime. If you remember,
>they invaded our embassy and held our people hostage for a year, and they
>have spent the entire rest of the time between that event and now saying
>that we are the great Satan and they would like to destroy us. No, we are
>not the rogue state, even though you would like to believe that.
>On 4/21/06, Dana Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Robert Munn

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