this thread is about batty civilians telling the Pentagon that they want to use 
nuclear weapons. 

If it were me, I'd have worked with the very considerable emigre population in 
the United States, and refrained from provocations such as stupidly invading 
its neighbors for reasons still undefined. Not calling them evil would probably 
have helped as well :) 

>Yes, the Embassy thing was almost 30 years ago, and the same murderous
>regime has been in charge of Iran ever since. For most of that span, they
>have had a hidden nuclear program that a prudent person can only assume,
>like the rest of the hidden nuclear programs that have been sniffed out over
>the last few years, is an attempt to develop nuclear weapons technology.
>There has to date never been a secret nuclear program designed for peaceful
>nuclear power purposes.
>Bush and the Republicans have barely done a better job running the country
>than the Democrats did, save for the fact that they cut my taxes, so that's
>ok by me. I am hardly an aplogist for the party, when in fact I disagree
>with a significant chunk of the party's platform.
>As to changing the subject, what am I changing it from? This thread is about
>Bush leaving all options on the table in dealing with Iran. His statement
>raises the question of how we should deal with Iran. Which is exactly what I
>was asking you. How would you deal with Iran if it were up to you?
>On 4/22/06, Dana Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Robert Munn

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