I'm finding this discussion interesting. But didn't you just say you're a 
liberal? I am still looking over your questionnaire. I think there are some 
cultural biases. I know the one posted a while back didn't like the fact that I 
am in favor of bilingualism. In Quebec that's actually a pretty paleolithic 
opinion ;> This one thinks I am a radical, and I am not sure how it gets that 
out of not supporting NAFTA ;)The rest of the questions put me all over the 

Here's my answers, below Sam's:

 1. Do you support NAFTA?
 Yes   Medium

  Not Sure  High

2. Should immigration into the US be greatly reduced?
No    Medium

Not sure High

3. Do you support state lotteries as a means of raising revenue?
 Yes   Medium


4. Should the estate tax be abolished?
 Yes  High

No Medium/Low

5. Do you support handgun registration?
 Yes    High

 Yes Low

6. Should abortion generally be legal in your state?
 Yes    High

Yes High

7. Should Napster be penalized for violating intellectual property rights?
 Yes   Medium

No High

8. Do you support enforcement of the "no-fly zone" over Iraq?
 Yes    High

No High

9. Should local government be allowed to regulate obscene material?
 Yes    Medium

No Low

10. Should trade with China be linked to its human rights record?
   No    Medium

Yes High

11. If your state flag included design elements from the Confederate
flag, would you prefer to remove those elements?
 Yes   High

 No Low

12. Should cocaine be decriminalized (in your own state at least)?
No   Medium

Yes Low

13. Should the US provide foreign aid to Israel?
 Yes    High

No Low

14. Is the religious right a threat to civil liberties?
Not Sure  Low

Yes High

15. Do you support taxpayer funded vouchers to help parents send their
children to the public or private school of their choice?
 Yes    Medium

 No High

16. Should local government be allowed to regulate gambling?
 Yes     High

 Yes Medium

17. Should the environmental protection agency (EPA) be abolished?
  No   High


18. Should the US adopt a national public healthcare system?
 No   High

Yes High

19. Should federal student aid programs be abolished?
 No    High

No High

20. Should the death penalty be abolished?
 No    Medium

 No Medium

21. Do you support the use of tariffs to raise revenue and / or to
protect American industries?
 Not Sure  Medium

No High

22. Should businesses be allowed to discriminate in hiring and
providing services on the basis of race?
 No    High

No High

23. Should we save social security?
 Yes    High

Not sure High (talk about a biased question!)

24. Should homosexuals be allowed to serve in the military?
 Yes    High

Yes High
Your Results: 
Your prediction for your #1 result: Libertarian.

#1 Radical 
#2 Liberal 
#3 Third Way 
#4 Left-libertarian 
#5 Paleoconservative 
#6 Paleo-libertarian 
#7 Libertarian 
#8 Neoconservative 
#9 Centrist 
#10 Conservative 

>A liberal is a person that
>1. Thinks the government knows best what to do with your money so we
>should all pay more taxes.
>2. Thinks the US should cede control of the military to the UN. ? and
>hates the military
>3. Thinks it's more important to teach the joys of homosexuality and
>pretend the natural family structure is inferior.
>4. Thinks everyone, except them, should make major sacrifices to save
>the economy. Like not driving a 12 mpg Audi :)
>5. Thinks the constitution is too old and we should let judges ignore
>it at will.
>6. Thinks big companies are evil, Wal-Mart, Exxon, Halliburton etc.
>There's a lot more but that's a good start
>On 5/21/06, Gruss Gott wrote:
>> 3.) People still disagree on this.

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