Ha, were just about political twins!  I guess I am radical......it's
only because this world is so f'ed up and it needs a big fix.

#1      Radical
#2      Liberal
#3      Third Way
#4      Left-libertarian
#5      Paleoconservative
#6      Neoconservative
#7      Libertarian
#8      Paleo-libertarian
#9      Centrist
#10     Conservative

On 5/21/06, DT wrote:
> Your Results:
> Your prediction for your #1 result: Libertarian.
> #1 Radical
> #2 Liberal
> #3 Third Way
> #4 Left-libertarian
> #5 Paleoconservative
> #6 Paleo-libertarian
> #7 Libertarian
> #8 Neoconservative
> #9 Centrist
> #10 Conservative
> >A liberal is a person that
> >1. Thinks the government knows best what to do with your money so we
> >should all pay more taxes.
> >2. Thinks the US should cede control of the military to the UN. ? and
> >hates the military
> >3. Thinks it's more important to teach the joys of homosexuality and
> >pretend the natural family structure is inferior.
> >4. Thinks everyone, except them, should make major sacrifices to save
> >the economy. Like not driving a 12 mpg Audi :)
> >5. Thinks the constitution is too old and we should let judges ignore
> >it at will.
> >6. Thinks big companies are evil, Wal-Mart, Exxon, Halliburton etc.
> >
> >There's a lot more but that's a good start
> >
> >
> >On 5/21/06, Gruss Gott wrote:
> >> 3.) People still disagree on this.

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