You think the president is a fascist because he does what all other
presidents do but more often? Where's the logic in that argument?

During a war and first time in what, 50 years that the legislative and
executive branches are the same party? Maybe he's signing more laws
than usual.

On 6/7/06, Gruss Gott wrote:
> Here's the worry (deserved or not) - people elect fascists.  The
> beauty about America is that we have a system to prevent unlimited
> power.  My biggest problem with this administration is that it's
> slowly dismantling that system.
> For example, we just learned that Bush has unilaterally added
> disclaimers to over 750 laws that he's signed that says he can ignore
> the law if he wants.  Of course then there's the torture thing,
> wiretapping, etc, etc.  It's clear this President despises checks on
> his power and is actively taking steps to eliminate them.
> History has seen this behaviour before and it's resulted in dictators.
>  That likely won't happen here, but Bush has decided to travel down
> that same road.
> I'm looking forward to a recession of presidential power.

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