Modern infantry can and does call in air strikes and artillery strikes.  A 
Battery's worth of 96 pound HE reounds from a Paladin battery will do as much 
damage as 2000 Air Force iron bomb.  

If the zoomie bombs were set to air burst or point detonation (most likely), 
they exploded above the target, probably at the roofline.  That expended most 
of the shrapnel on the structure of the building which looked like mud brick.  
Mud brick has the ability to absorb a great deal of shrapnel without 
fragmenting further.  However, the shock wave and fire from the bombs would 
killed the occupants and anyone not in a bunker within at least 50 meters.

As for infantry weapons, the newest generation of weapons issued to a platoon 
are bad ass.  I thought a Paladin was bad ass, but the AT-4 and Javalin blew me 
away.  I still like the old beehive round the besth though.

>well YOUR Infantry didn't drop 1000Lb of explosives on their head did they.
>Or are you trying to compare a TOW to an air-dropped 500lb bomb??
>Your infantry is using the javelin against soldiers now? Wow!

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