First, it didn't come down to that state, it was just the last state to
certify the votes. There were several close states, and many could have
shifted the election.

I think there were issues, sure, however if there were all these things that
people have been talking about, why haven't people been arrested?

Why were people turned away? Was it a legitimate reason? Were they not in
line at the proper time? Did they not bring their ID?

I have heard conflicting reports about this stuff, and none of it seems to
add up to anything concrete.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 2:45 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: So, does anyone still trust these guys?
> Nick, you have to admit that the polling in Florida was highly
> irregular, at best.
> The number of legitimate voters turned away from the polls should
> disturb anyone.
> The number of people who could not vote because of closed and moved
> polling places and lack of booths and staff was disturbing, and scary
> if intentional. (both in Fl and in other states)
> And the number of casts votes that went uncounted were higher there
> than anything anyone could remember ever before.
> The fact that it was such a close race nationally, and that it all
> came down to that state, and that this particlar state was so close,
> and had so many potential issues was truly an indictment on the whole
> voting process.

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