<cf_wow>and associations</cf_wow>


1.  Why are you racist?  Not all Muslims are any one race, any more than all
Jews or all Christians.

2.  Human rights?  Trample?  What paper rights have these people not been
given.  If we treated them as criminals someone would complain they should
be treated as POWs.  Now people complain that we DON'T treat them as
criminals, so we're being moderate.  If we treated them as POWs they would
be shot as soon as any and all intelligence value had been weaned from the
subject.  Then people would bitch about them being killed.

3. "There is a huge, exponential difference between incarcerating certain
people because of their ethnicity and associations and loading entire
neighborhoods into boxcars destined for the oven solely because of their
ethnicity." - I don't think I even need to make another argument?

4.  Nope, I was wrong.  You then went on to say that captured terrorists
being held by us, were only different in matter of degree.  First, see #1.
Now read the rest of what I wrote.

        Now read this.

        Scapegoating?  Blaming radical Islam for the practices of the people 
believe in it, that is scapegoating?  If we knew that the islamiscts(sp?)
were to blame, but we instead blamed Israel, as many on the left try and do,
that would be scapegoating.  This is called accountability.

5.  TTYL

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dana Tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 12:15 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: So, does anyone still trust these guys?
> Yeah, I hear we provide real good health care for the people
> whose human rights we trample.
> Actually, I was thinking about this and came back to this thread
> prepared to apologize to Sam on this one, but since you are the
> one who called me on it... sure. There is a huge, exponential
> difference betweeen incarcerating certain people because of their
> ethnicity and associations and loading entire neighborhoods into
> boxcars destined for the oven solely because of their ethnicity.
> However.
> Even an exponential difference is only a difference in degree.
> The rationale may be different, the methods may be different, but
> I submit to you that both of these are simply examples of
> scapegoating at its deadliest.
> Dana
> >Concentration camps?
> >
> >Wow, there's a loaded word Dana.
> >
> >Concentration camps, with good food and health care and all kinds of shit
> >right.
> >
> >No one noticed that we had ovens yet right?
> >
> >>

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