> Jerry wrote:
> But the entire thing really comes back to: are the Iraqis willing to
> stand up and shoulder the responsibility. Not just the police, who are
> paying a heavy price, but the "Iraqi people" as a whole.

Exactly.  I fail to see any good news, but that's because I'm
conservative about it.  From my perspective that country will a mess
for the next 50 years if it lasts that long.  There are 2 HIGH

1.) As soon as foreign forces leave, law breaks down and civil war breaks out.
2.) As soon as foreign forces leave, Al Quaeda REALLY turns up the
heat and overthrows the govt.
3.) Iran or another country invades.

It doesn't take a genius to see that Iraq is wounded bird.  As soon as
their protector leaves the vultures will swoop in.

IMO, the only good solution is Mutha's suggestion: Pull back (not out)
and smack down threats as they pop up.

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