I am with you on the general idea. I view drug use as a medical health issue
rather than a criminal issue. I also look at it as a states' rights issue.
Let each state decide how to treat drugs. Personally, though, I don't see
simple legalization of all drugs as the answer. Even in super-liberal SF I
don't think you would get people in line to vote for legalizing meth. and

On 6/19/06, Gruss wrote:
> > RoMunn wrote:
> > A sad fact of the US prison system is how much money we are pissing away
> > every year on non-violent drug offenders.
> >
> Does that mean you're with me on the great drug-use-is-a-crime-problem
> experiment?  That is,  drugs, like sex, is a health issue.  No amount
> of legislation will get rid of it.

Robert Munn

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