My grandfather had his leg cut off due to diabities before he died. If that 
could be cured by a few embryos that may or may not even develop into life, 
then I'm all for it. We're talking cells, not people.

And if this is a religious issue it show pure lack of faith in God. If you 
have faith that God has a plan and will provide for specific people to be 
born, then you have no control over it and can use as many embrios as you 
want. God will make sure the right ones become people and the wrong ones 
become stem cells.

> No. The fear is scientist will create life in vitro for the purpose of
> destroying it to get the cells. They say there are 400,000 frozen
> embryos, already fertilized, in storage. Bush wants to let people
> adopt them. So far, under the snowflake program, 81 children have been
> adopted and are now alive. That's such a tiny fraction of the 400k
> that it's not realistic. The problem is the frozen discarded embryos
> might not suffice, so they might need to create fresh ones. They might
> also want to create embryos with known genetic defects so they can
> understand it better and cure that defect. I'm not even sure if I have
> a problem with that but it does sound creepy and I can understand why
> people think it's morally wrong.
> On 7/21/06, Dana Tierney wrote:
>> I have not said anything about stem cells because I've been busy and 
>> because, to be honest, I did not exect any kind of legislation to ever 
>> pass to get to the veto stage.
>> But here we are, andmy question is -- the opposition to stem cell 
>> research comes from some secret conviction that if it is allowed women 
>> will deliberately conceive so they can sell the fetuses? Is that it?

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