On 8/15/06, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> really? And what about if I attack, oh, Condi Rice. Does that make me
> racist? Or do I have to attack a country for that? What if I say that it's
> about damn time the Congo had an election, what's their problem over there?
> Would that do it?

> or hey, while you have me started, what about if I say that all of Great
> Britain is anti-Jewish, based on a blog entry someone made? Or that the
> French are cowards because they were intelligent enough to stay out of the
> quagmire in Iraq? Would *that* make me a bigot?

First of all a comparison, The population of Israel is around 6
million - 5 million of them are Jews.  Saying that you can be
anti-Israel and pro-Jewish is an oxymoron of the highest degree and
no, it's not a stretch to state that to be anti-Israel (which is the
*only* Jewish state the the world) means that you are also anti-Jew
which is equivalent of saying that you are antisemitic.

Your first batch of statements aren't racist depending on what it is
you're saying.  If you're saying Condi isn't qualified to be Secretary
of State because she's black then that's a racist statement.  The
subject of the original thread states that based on what the major
media outlet in Britian is publishing - blog or not - Brits are
anti-Jewish.  I'll take that a step different by stating that the
opinion they are endorsing is anti-religious.

And like Sam I'll skip commenting on the France thing, it's just too easy.

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