welp, I have seen the site in question and repeat my plea. Supposing I
am just to biased to see it... what exactly on the site is so

As to the rest of your reply, I really can't agree, sorry. I am
neither anti nor pro either Israel or Jews. If the country or an
individual does something I consider wrong or stupid, I will say so,
and if it makes me an anti-Semite in your eyes, well... I think rather
less of your opinion than I did, that's all.

What about making fun of Sam's listening habits? Is that insufficiently PC also?

On 8/15/06, C. Hatton Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/15/06, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > really? And what about if I attack, oh, Condi Rice. Does that make me
> > racist? Or do I have to attack a country for that? What if I say that it's
> > about damn time the Congo had an election, what's their problem over there?
> > Would that do it?
> > or hey, while you have me started, what about if I say that all of Great
> > Britain is anti-Jewish, based on a blog entry someone made? Or that the
> > French are cowards because they were intelligent enough to stay out of the
> > quagmire in Iraq? Would *that* make me a bigot?
> First of all a comparison, The population of Israel is around 6
> million - 5 million of them are Jews.  Saying that you can be
> anti-Israel and pro-Jewish is an oxymoron of the highest degree and
> no, it's not a stretch to state that to be anti-Israel (which is the
> *only* Jewish state the the world) means that you are also anti-Jew
> which is equivalent of saying that you are antisemitic.
> Your first batch of statements aren't racist depending on what it is
> you're saying.  If you're saying Condi isn't qualified to be Secretary
> of State because she's black then that's a racist statement.  The
> subject of the original thread states that based on what the major
> media outlet in Britian is publishing - blog or not - Brits are
> anti-Jewish.  I'll take that a step different by stating that the
> opinion they are endorsing is anti-religious.
> And like Sam I'll skip commenting on the France thing, it's just too easy.

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