n 8/15/06, Gruss Gott wrote:

> The problem with demagogues such as Rush and Hannity

You think to highly of them.

> their listeners, in my experience, have lost their ability to analyze
> events critically. Rather they favor parroting talking points or
> emotional reasoning.  (this is probably true of liberals, but I don't
> know any, nor listen to them, nor read their media)

Dude look in the mirror. You don't know anybody that drinks the same
Kool-Aid? Parrots the same things from the liberal extremist blogs?

> A great example is Israel's invasion of Lebanon.  I've been saying
> from day 1 how strategically stupid it was.  The facts now bear that
> out.  But that's not because I have 18 years of political commentary
> experience; any critical analyst could see that.

You claim they need to get support. They've been doing that since the
beginning and the US is only one that shows up. They thought they were
fighting guerrillas but it ended up being a war against Syria and
Iran. They didn't lose they just didn't totally win. If Hezbollah
disarms like the treaty states then it's a win. If they don't then
it's just a pause so Hezbollah can re-supply.

> Because that analysis doesn't support Israel, some might call me a
> "terrorist cheerleader".  (the irony being, of course, that

You're a terrorist cheerleader because any slight sign that a
terrorist organization is succeeding you jump up and down cheering,
"See I told you Bush and Israel are losers." I've never seen anybody
want the good guys to lose so badly just to say they're right. You'll
still always be wrong and we'll win. Unless of course Gore, H Clinton
or Kerry get elected president.

> unemotional analysis is cheerleading while mindless support isn't.)

Mindless support for the enemy isn't good.

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