Gruss, it's *probably* right.  It probably was Christians.  But it doesn't 
take "fundamental" Christians to complain, or Christians at all.  The 
fallacy in this argument is that it was presented as some sort of damning 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gruss Gott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: Fear of religious fanatics

>> Chesty wrote:
>> There aren't any facts other than a woman got fired because parents
>> complained.   I don't make any assumptions about what happened.  You made 
>> an
>> opinionated assertion and stated it as fact.
> Yes but the key fact is the nude woman.  If there's one thing that
> gets Americans upset, it's sex or anything that might indicate sex.
> Just look at the Clinton's Sexgate.
> Why are Americans so afraid of sex and naked people?  Puritan and
> religious taboos.  Now in Texas, what's the primary religion?
> Christianity.  And Christians hate sex symbols - or anything that can
> be construed as a sex symbol.
> So it would follow that it was a Christian family that was disturbed
> by this Museum piece.  That's an assumption, but a logical and fair
> assumption based on facts.

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