amen to this. I once took one job over another job becuase it had health 
insurance. Come to find out, it would have cost almost a thousand dollars a 
month, and this was in 1999. I am ok with contributing to the cost of the 
program but that was ridiculous and I did without until I left, which was soon, 
as I felt that significant information had been withheld.


>Having said that I'll never work for a small company again without 
>checking out the bene's carefully. in my last position, I got raped on 
>Scott A. Stewart
>"Adam Churvis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>10/03/2006 11:30 AM
>Please respond to cf-community
>        To:     CF-Community <>
>        cc:     (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD)
>        Subject:        Re: Employee compensation
>How inexpensive must health insurance be?  I'm looking for an actual 
>dollar figure for the employee contribution, and how much the co-pay 
>should be.
>One other question I guess is relevant: do you currently receive a 
>compensation package that is the same or nearly the same as the one you 
>describe?  If not then what's missing?  And why wasn't it important enough 
>for you to turn down your job offer?
>I ask because my talks with people have been somewhat heated about things 
>they currently don't get, so I wonder why if it's so important that it's 
>still considered optional.
>Adam Phillip Churvis
>Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
>BlueDragon Alliance Founding Committee
>Get advanced intensive Master-level training in
>C# & ASP.NET 2.0 for ColdFusion Developers at
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  To: CF-Community 
>  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 11:16 AM
>  Subject: Re: Employee compensation
>  Competiive Salary, based on cost of living in a particular location 
>  someone actually does the COL research)
>  401K
>  Inexpensive insurance (with all or a large part subsidized by the 
>          With prescription benefits (low co pay)
>  Real Training benefits, where the company pays for training ahead of 
>  not the "you pay for it and we'll pay you back when you 
>  finish.....eventually"
>          Training includes seminars like CFUnited
>  Book allowance
>  Metrocheck (it's a program where the company pulls public transportation 
>  costs pre tax, up to a certain level)
>  Cool stuff
>          Product discount programs
>                  Anyone who's a Dell business customer can set this up 
>  their employees
>          Company parties
>          Company outings (team building)
>          Pool Tables, Foosball, air hockey, video games etc.

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