OK, wait.

They can still have my organs.
The morticians still get to prepare me for cremation.
The soil? Well, it'll have to settle for the people Todd is going to nuke,
because I still want my ashes scattered in the ventilation ducts! Oh, wait,
they'll just be ashes too won't they. Well look at all the comapny I'll


Cremating myself for a better tomorrow!

>>|-----Original Message-----
>>|From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>|I can't believe how selfish you are. Your going to have your
>>|body burned? Don't you know that a decaying body is great for
>>|the soil? Every year people eat corn and potatoes grown in soul
>>|that has dead bodies in it. Ashes don't do anything for the
>>|soil. And what about all those poor, lonely morticians? If you
>>|go up in smoke (not that type) then they lose that last touch of
>>|humanity (read into it what you will ben). And the organ
>>|runners? Your depriving them of a living. I can go on and on,
>>|but I think you get the point.
>>|Hippy-type freak. Ha! you sound almost like a Republican! or is
>>|that Democrat? I can never get those two straight. :)
>>|Actually, I can see it now. Erika will want the entire community
>>|to come to her funeral where her ashes will be sprinkled into
>>|the ventilation ducts so she'll be with us forever.
>>|I'm just jokin with ya, K. :)
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