As another ex-catholic, I'm amazed at how similar our
outlooks are regarding death and what will happen to
us after we die.  I had a friend who was a Jehovah's
Witness who was discussing their belief that a number
of "believers" would enjoy an eternal paradise on
earth after Armageddon.  When I told him the idea of
living forever, whether in paradise or not was
exhausting to me, he reacted as if I were
sucidial...that I did not have a "lust" for life.

Quite the contrary.  Just as E with a K so eloquently
put it:

> My life, as I know it right now, as I love it right
> now, will be over and
> all the debating in the world, isn't going to bring
> it back.
> So until then, I will try to live as well as I can.
> I will try to treat
> people with respect and love. I will do things that
> make me happy and that
> make other people happy. Because, in all reality,
> life is so short.

Yes, life is short.  The whole discussion about what
happens after we die IMHO is moot.  Who really knows? 
Better to just live our best, and treat people as we
wish to be treated.


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