Sam wrote:
>> - that Iraq had no WMDs
> Debatable - beat to death

It's NOT debatable.  There are no WMDs.  IT's not being debated anymore 
BECAUSE it's not debatable.

>> - that Iraq did *NOT* play a part in 9/11
> Nobody ever said they did

Many of the Bush cronies implied that Iraq was involved.  A ridiculously 
large percentage of American's BELIEVED they were involved because of 
the lies spread by the GOP about it, in order to run up support for an 

>> - that Hussein did *NOT* support terrorism
> He most certainly did. Proven.

Actually, it's been proven time and again that Saddam did NOT support 
terrorists - at least not financially or by providing safe haven for 
training.  Hussein felt that terrorists couldn't be controled, and he 
didn't want them in his country.

Probably one of his very few sane thoughts.

>> - that Iraq was *NOT* an imminent threat.
> The new docs say otherwise

What new docs?  Iraq had no WMDs, no chemical or nuclear weapons program 
of any kind and no real ability to get there because of the heavy 
sanctions they were under.  Iraq was dirt poor after we bombed the shit 
out of them in the first Gulf War.  They were a threat to no-one but the 
Iraqi people.


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