Thanks, I need to read more about this guy.

>From what I've read so far Maher is way off but that's expected of
him. Strauss was more about the common man not being able to or caring
to read between the lines. Not making up lies.

Now to claim the neo-cons made Kerry say something that offended the
military is so far out there it gives me a chuckle. You guys just
reach for anything you think the fools will buy. Wait, isn't that what
you claim the neo-cons are doing? Kerry posted an article on his Web
site claiming he was right either way. If he didn't believe that to be
true he never would have posted that article, he would have stayed far
away from it or even condemned it. It's really as simple as that.
Maybe that's what Strauss meant about the masses not getting it. :)

I especially like this bit:
Strauss taught that liberalism in its modern form contained within it
an intrinsic tendency towards relativism, which in turn led to two
types of nihilism. The first was a "brutal" nihilism, expressed in
Nazi and Marxist regimes. These ideologies, both descendants of
Enlightenment thought, tried to destroy all traditions, history,
ethics and moral standards and replace it by force with a supreme
authority from which nature and mankind are subjugated and conquered.
The second type- the 'gentle' nihilism expressed in Western liberal
democracies- was a kind of value-free aimlessness and hedonism, which
he saw permeating the fabric of contemporary American society.  In the
belief that 20th century relativism, scientism, historicism, and
nihilism were all implicated in the deterioration of modern society
and philosophy, Strauss sought to uncover the philosophical pathways
that had led to this state. The resultant study lead him to revive
classical political philosophy as a source by which political action
could be judged.

On 11/10/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Any means of keeping Democrats out of power] also ties into the
> so-called father of neo-conservatism, the philosopher Leo Strauss, who
> argued that the only way to stop liberalism from ruining society was
> for the elites (a.k.a his neocon followers) to exploit myths
> (religion) or create new myths (the Islamic Menace) that will unite
> the hoi polloi in an orgy of nationalistic fervor.
> Sounds like fascism? Yup. But an interesting feature of Straussism is
> that the elites don't care if the myths they are exploiting are
> actually true; that's irrelevant as long as they're effective. Which
> is why we get Karl Rove talking about the Christian "nut-jobs," and
> the Kerry-hates-the-troops nonsense from last week.
> All those Republicans parroting the talking point re Kerry knew it was
> bullshit but they didn't care because it was an effective myth.

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