>Oh, right, I'm wrong, it wasn't a video camera, it was an 8mm film camera
>that must have been quite bulky and heavy. Just what a guy needs tooling
>around in the jungle in Vietnam. I can't believe you guys buy his BS.


>So a Yale grad (BA Political Science - focus on American Government), head
>of the Yale Political Union, volunteer in Ted Kennedy's Senate campaign
>(1962), and vocal critic of US foreign policy in Vietnam was lugging around
>an 8mm camera just to shoot some personal memories in the jungles of
>Vietnam? Riiiight.

He was also lugging around a rifle and serving his country. Despite the 
misgivings you stated. If anything given that he volunteered despite these 
misgivings brings him up a notch or two in my mind. To go in spite of what he 
knew, and to volunteer for a second tour in one of the more dangerous forms of 
naval service to boot. 

So what if he was carrying a camera. It was a popular thing to do. My father 
had a camera with him in the second world war. Does that mean he was plotting 
something? How about the thousands of American, Australian and New Zealand 
soldiers with cameras, were they plotting some future attempt at the 
presidency/PM. Such nefarious plotting. "Riiiight." 

Thanks for denigrating most of the soldiers who served in Vietnam. 

BTW 8mm cameras were fairly small even then, a bit smaller than the early VHS 
camcorders. So much for lugging stuff around. Moreover he was in a small boat. 
You know about boats right, they have places for stowing equipment. Like 
cameras and the like. So much for lugging heavy equipment.

>On this score I can at least respect BIll Clinton, who admitted that he
>signed up for the draft because he had ambitions of being President someday
>and didn't want to be labeled a draft dodger.

So its OK to take off for England and later register when you knew you would 
not draw a low draft number. But to deliberately volunteer for combat service. 
That's reprehensible. Much worse than using daddy's power to get into a nice 
safe national guard slot, or get deferment after deferment while you were "too 
busy". Talk about twisted patriotic values. I'm a foreigner, and I have a lot 
more respect for those who served in the military than what you've been 

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