On 11/12/06, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> a million legal ways to invade Iraq.
> Perhaps, but would the population have supported the move so heartily
> if all it involved was 'Doing the right thing'?

At that point, I'm pretty sure the pop would have gone along with whatever.
He could do no evil, right after the attack.

What I'm getting at, is that the UN and whatnot was pretty much backing
what we were doing, but good old GWB had to push it (and I'm one to talk
I guess, as I tend to push it myself, but anywayze ;) even further, ya know?
Break the law, spin information, make our Intel folks look bad, etc., etc..

There really wasn't any reason to do all that.  It's sorta, well, blatant greed.

I keep seeing it.  I thought they'd be smarter (they, is, well, whoever) than
to keep attacking our civil liberties.  I mean, come on, they get busted
spying on US citizens, which was bad enough, but then they have to try
this military commission thingie, which frankly, I think contributed to the
fall of the Pubs.  Torture? Sure! But don't call it torture, k?  Pbbbt!  Stuff
like that... eh...

> Nope. I don't think Americans would have gotten behind that for so long.
> A move like that would not have won Bush two terms in office. As soon
> as things started to fall apart they would have wanted his head for a
> poorly executed operation.

I don't know.  There's been so much "evil" put forth by these jokers, and
the way they used and abused the media...  It's sad.  The stuff I heard
on Democracy Now, for instance... I couldn't believe people weren't up
in arms, long before this.  Long before 9/11, actually.  The things that
were done to protesters, for instance, and Mr. VP's obvious conflicts of
interest... I mean, either 90% of us were asleep at the wheel, or the
control of the media was so complete that 10% controlled everything
and made it look like the 90% went along with it...  It's hard to tell. I
don't know even a million americans I could ask, if you grok. :-/

> Also, the whole'Bad Thing' about people equating the Actions of Bush
> to the Actions and Attitudes of Americans? It already started. It sort
> of became rooted after the US voted him in for a second term.

Yeah, I was flabberghasted when that happened.  He'd already screwed
over the conservatives, so I had been sure they'd ditch the fool, but, I
guess, while at War and all, it's rare, even if we're taking it in the rear
without even some spit to ease the friction, soToSpeak. :-P

I honestly don't know if we can trust that his election, and re-election,
were on the up and up.  The first one, for sure, had some hokery-
pokery, and I'm still pretty sad the "general populace" never seemed
to get that fact.  I mean, the mainstream media was obviously broke.

That's probably the most depressing part, I reckon.  Without info, how
can anyone even know any better?  Bah.  Preaching to the choir, for
those who care, and just spewing rhetoric, for those that don't, as

Sheesh, I sure am cynical for someone so cheery. =]

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