Wow, that sucks.

I'm gonna pass on a 360 now.  Was going to get one for the boys for
Christmas too.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:49 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: #$%^& Microsoft... now I'm DEFINATELY getting a PS3
> Just a tale of woe which may serve as a warning:
> I've had an XBox 360 for about 7 months now.  I like it, not a whole lot
> of
> games that I want but plenty of casual games in the arcade and lots and
> lots
> of demos means that system sees quite a bit of usage.
> The only game that I've played a lot is "Oblivion" but that was worth it.
> The system locked up pretty often with "Oblivion" but not so much that I
> couldn't chalk it up to overheating or a dusty disc.  Lately the lock-ups
> have become systemic and finally, last night the system just gave up the
> ghost: it won't boot, I get the apparently well-know ring of red lights.
> After trying all the at-home fixes I called MS.
> I spent well over 20 minutes with an incredibly frustrating "hipster"
> voice
> mail system.  His name is "Max" and he REALLY wants to help me and I
> wanted to choke the living shit out him.
> The whole mess is a transparent and completely patronizing attempt to put
> already aggravated people at ease.  All it really does is infuriate you.
> Finally getting to a human it's painfully clear that MS has outsourced its
> support.  The thick accent, the inability to understand English, the glib
> attitude: all just scream that I'm going to be well cared for.
> It didn't start well.  I gave my name.  After a few seconds of flustered
> silence I was asked to spell my name, then specifically asked to spell my
> first name as well:
> J-I-M  D-A-V-I-S
> When he couldn't find my name he spelled it back to me: G-I-N.  I told him
> "No, it's J-I-M."  He answered, "Yes - as in GEORGE-IDAHO-NANCY."  "NO." I
> replied, "J-I-M.  Jim.  James.  Jimmy."  I thought only later of spelling
> it
> out: "JERKS-IDIOTS-MOTHERFUCKERS" but you always think of the best things
> to
> say later on.
> Anyway we get the name out.  After some more language juggling we get the
> serial number out.  My console is out of warranty.  I asked "how can that
> be: the system hasn't even been out a year!"  The warranty, it turns out,
> is
> only 90 days.
> I asked how he knew my console was out of warranty when he didn't know
> when
> I bought it.  He said that the serial number determined the warranty
> length
> for MS.
> (What this means, in case you're not listening, is that if you bought your
> kid a 360, say, in September and set it aside for Christmas you might open
> up a broken system that is already out of warranty.)
> In any case my system (my $400 system), 7 months old, is out of warranty.
> The only way to get it fixed by MS is to spend $140.  Yup - nearly half
> the
> cost of a new console to fix one less than a year old.
> Once I get it fixed they will warranty it for, you guessed it, another 90
> days.  I can purchase an extended warranty for $30 for a year or $60 for
> two
> years.  So it'll cost me $170 to get it fixed and warranty that fix for a
> year.
> The value proposition of the PS3 is looking better everyday.  Say what you
> will about Sony but they've got a one-year warranty from the time of
> purchase for all their gear.  And in my experience the few times I've
> needed
> their support it's been excellent.
> I'm just really, really pissed at Microsoft right now.
> Jim Davis

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