Thanks for that. It did give me something to think about.

Socially speaking I would be the first one to admit that I have shortcomings. 
Perhaps the way I burst in like you said is one of them.

As I mentioned earlier... my intention was to be a 'part of' -- perhaps it came 
out wrong..perhaps I was insensitive to the current discussion and dynamic of 
the group. Perhaps a wait and see approach would have served me better.

But certainly one has to agree that the community response was a tad over the 
top, highly innapropriate and inordinatley aggressive and insulting considering 
the circumstances.

I like discussing things that for me, have depth and for me anything else I 
tend to view as a waste. Maybe this is a social shortcoming as you say. Hey, 
I'm not perfect... I'm me. In all my own quirkyness and oddities...that belong 
to me and to me alone. I see that I probably should have started a new topic... 
I was unaware of the group consciousness here.

>Why come in with any "intent" other than fellowship?
>If this was a bar, would you approach and burst into the first 
>conversation that you heard with a speech intending to inflame, that is 
>completly off topic to the conversation?
>Would you not expect to be flamed (or worse in a bar situation) for it?
>Do you understand that whatever intent that you've had is completly lost 
>in the delivery
>Like I said before you've come across like you're testing us to see if we 
>are worthy of you.
>Whatever happened to "Hi, i'm Daniel, I'm a ColdFusion Developer..."
>Scott A. Stewart
>12/19/2006 02:11 PM
>Please respond to cf-community
>        To:     CF-Community <>
>        cc:     (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD)
>        Subject:        Re: Pet Peeve
>>i still have no idea why every one is upset?
>>threads get jacked every 30 minutes around here?
>>no i didnt read all 50+ posts on the last thread.
>This is what I'm trying to figure out. 
>And I have asked for specifics as to where I went wrong. But people would 
>rather gang up simply because it is part of the group mentality. The 
>Simpsons parody this social quirk constantly.
>In short I have endured a lot of abuse today. if one were objective enough 
>to look over all the really negative barbs throughout the course of this 
>thread, the light of truth would shine in.
>Few people ( maybe one or two ) have provided examples of what their 
>thoughts were...but sadly, many would rather use terms such as 'asshole', 
>'idiot', 'weirdo' etc... rather than knowing the truth or really knowing 
>my my intention was.
>I would expect an educated group such as this would have better comments 
>to make.

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