On 2/11/07, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The idea is that memory is too fallible to rely on it alone. What's needed is > independent collaboration, other people, independent facts etc.
Naw, none of that stuff really works either. Blame it on retrocausality. Blame it on the retrocausality / yeah / yeah Wait! Did I already post this? =]3|\|5t/\rrrrrr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs http:http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;56760587;14748456;a?http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/flex2/?sdid=LVNU Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/message.cfm/messageid:227739 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.5