Very interesting.  Someone should introduce him to Roman Catholic Theology and 

I would be interested in reading this disertation.  Mosasaurs are very 
intersting critters.  I have found a few fragments of thier bones in lag 
deposits in the Selma chalks in Alabama.  One find led to an excavation.  They 
found a set of vertebrae, but most were too encrusted with marcasite to 
identify the secies.

>Fascinating (to me anyway) article about a young-earth creationist, who
>nevertheless produced a dissertation in paleontology that was scientifically
>sound, and which refutes many of his religious beliefs.
>I thought the University of Kansas professor near the end of the article was
>dead on. In the science realm, you have to judge someone on his merits as a
>scientist. If his work is sound, you cannot discriminate because you are
>concerned about his religion.
>She's a PhD in "I told you so"
>You've a knighthood in "I'm not listening"

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