You might want to look at this paper:

It is an interesting read.  I do, however, think creationism and ID is bunk.  I 
also think that the fundamentalist/evangalical movement of Chrisitanity is 
based on religious heresy.  But that is my opinion.

>He believes that the earth is only 10,000 years old.  Fine, I can deal with
>people who refute science in order to believe that.  I don't agree, but
>However, this guy believes the earth is 10,000 years old, and writes a
>dissertation that goes completly against his beliefs.
>He calls it a paradigm.
>I call it hypocricy.  I don't really have a problem with that either - I
>mean the guy wants to study dinosaurs and stuff, and if he wants to get a
>phd, he'd better follow the science of the earth being billions of years
>old.  You're not going to get that PHD any other way, that's for sure.
>But if you believe one thing and do another... well, I've already said what
>that is.

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