Again, this is a political theory with questionable science behind it.  It is 
even a non-issue for the United States as we are a net CO2 consumer.

If you are so concerned about CO2, do something concrete and helpful; plant a 
garden and trees, stop flying, ride a bike everywhere and use "green" 
electricity.  Just do something for me and use composted manure instead of 
chemical fertilizers on the garden and trees.  I would rather drink the results 
of the manure than chemicals that don't break down in the water.

> > Russ wrote:
> > Agreed.  I have seen that there is some change in the climate.  
> However, I have also seen magnetic field reading (surface level proton 
> precession devices)
> The Flipping Point: How the evidence for anthropogenic global warming
> has converged to cause this environmental skeptic to make a cognitive
> flip
> By Michael Shermer, The Skeptic, Scientific American
> In 2001 Cambridge University Press published Bjørn Lomborg's book The
> Skeptical Environmentalist, which I thought was a perfect debate 
> topic
> for the Skeptics Society public lecture series at the California
> Institute of Technology. The problem was that all the top
> environmental organizations refused to participate. "There is no

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