nice answer. Have some cloud nine. Go on --- you know you wanna. How
long has it been since you guys saw the sun up there?

On 2/27/07, William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Go on and type it: H Y P O C R I T E.
> Gore's a hypocrite and so's Rush.
> and Bush
> and Clinton
> and you
> and me
> we're all hypocritical about something.
> Should Gore be reducing his emissions? Absolutely. Is it hypocritical
> of him to not practice as he preaches? prolly. But for fuck's sake
> don't let that stop you from doing what you can do. I know I won't let
> it stop me. I mean whether or not its greenhouse gases or solar flares
> or dinosaur farts or electromagnetic pole reversal or whatever else,
> the fact is we've got not so much time and a shitload of things to
> fix. I'd rather _not_ leave it to my grandkids.
> So, Gore having a 30k power bill last year doesn't move me to want to
> leave my lights on all the time or crank the furnace up and leave the
> windows open. It doesn't invalidate his message, not to me at least.
> FWIW, Rush getting off with a slap on the wrist for his "addiction"
> doesn't move me one step closer to picking up a monkey of my own. So I
> guess their hypocrisy doesn't really affect my personal life or how I
> do things.
> For that matter, neither does Bush's or Clinton's...personally anyway.
> :-)
> /me needs a little cloud 9...
> --
> will
> "If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
> and that would just be unacceptable."
> - Carrie Fisher

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