The difference is that Al Gore has spent the better part of the last decade on a very public, alarmist crusade to warn the world that we are all about to die because of our gluttony and disregard for the planet, and he is doing more individually than almost anyone to f#ck it up! He wrote a book about it, he made a movie about it, and now he has just won an Oscar for it. WTF!
As for me, I have already stated my position that I am a global warming skeptic, at least as far as the causes of current warming trends and whether those trends signal a longer-term danger to the planet. Nevertheless, I put extra insulation in my house, I turn off lights that don't need to be on, and I don't even have air conditioning in my home. I other words, despite being a proclaimed skeptic, I make a real effort not to use more power than I need. And Al Gore can kiss my energy-efficient ass, the filthy hypocrite. On 2/27/07, William wrote: > > > Go on and type it: H Y P O C R I T E. > > Gore's a hypocrite and so's Rush. > and Bush > and Clinton > and you > and me > > we're all hypocritical about something. > -- --------------- Robert Munn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ColdFusion MX7 by AdobeĀ® Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe PDF with new ColdFusion MX7. Free Trial. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: