French people, in the city, pee in hallways on carpets and walls.

This was the single biggest problem a famous oceanographer we worked
with had in his Paris museum. People waiting in line would pee on the
carpeted walls rather than walk _10 feet_ out of line to the bathroom.

The second biggest problem? Parents handing a switchblade knife to
their children, then holding them over the railing to allow them to
puncture a life-size model of a beating whales heart. This happened
literally dozens of times, by different people, until a cage was
constructed around the heart.

On 4/13/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> French people, outside of a city, pee on the side of the road in plain
> view of anyone passing by and it's ok.  Here it's offensive.  They
> don't intend to offend so we should cut them some slack; at least the
> first time.

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