On 4/14/07, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An honourable person would have offered his damned resignation when he
> realised what he had said.

So, if you offend someone, you will resign from your job?

There is no law that states you have a right NOT to be offended.

Free speech is free speech.  If it is OK, or even acceptable, for a rapper
to refer to women as hoes or bitches, then it is OK for Don Imus, or anyone
else to do so as well.  To think any other way is hypocritical.

We can't have certain rules governing free speech for different groups based
on skin color, religion, or any other reason.

If the worst thing that ever occurs to them is that an old white guy called
them 'nappy-headed hoes', the women of the Rutgers basketball team will live
very happy lives.

Scott Stroz

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