Amazing that money has to be wasted on a study that attempts to prove what should be patently obvious to anyone with common sense.
On 4/14/07, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Here's my own take on the study. I went to Mathmatica's site and read more > on the study. With the design Mathmathica used, its a very strong strong > study. Unfortunately they could not control for SES. With that caveat, these > results should put the issue mostly to rest, abstinence only sex ed doesn't > work, a more comprehensive approach appears to be far more effective. In > essence the Shrubbery is wrong, Abstinence Education is a failure. Moreover, > the so called weaknesses mentioned by the pro abstinence people were simply > self serving bs. > > > > > Study Casts Doubt on Abstinence-Only Programs > > By Laura Sessions Stepp > Washington Post Staff Writer > Saturday, April 14, 2007; A02 > > -- I got the anti-Christ in the kitchen yelling at me again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2 Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: