> Does training also teach the discipline to know when is the proper time to
> draw your weapon and when not to?

>Yes-- Jesus Christ, have you *ever* been to a firearms self defense
>training course?  Have you ever even read the table of contents of a

No I haven't which is why I asked the question, most "gun advocates" that I
have dealt with, are hotheads who routinely get themselves into situations
where they would need to defend themselves, lacking the discipline to know
when to simply walk away. 

Present company excluded... I assume

> I have no problem with well trained, reasonable, sane people carrying 
> firearms, however there must be laws in place to ensure that only well 
> trained, reasonable, sane people have access to and can carry firearms.

>OMG... Once again from the top: laws don't "ensure" *anything*; they only
>describe what is allowed and what the punishment is for not complying.
>Everyone say it with me: "Criminals don't follow laws... That's why we call
>them 'criminals.'"

Then lets just do away with all laws, the criminals don't follow them, so
why bother right?

> I do think you're asking for trouble by carrying a gun in a holster on 
> your hip everywhere you go.

>Oh, really?  Ever been to Kennesaw, Georgia?  It's the safest
well->populated city in the country, which started the year following the
>establishment of a law making it illegal to *not* own a handgun.  Many
>people carry open holstered in Kennesaw, and lots more carry concealed.
>The police let you use their range and make free training available.

How bad was Kennesaw, that they felt like they needed to do something this
extreme. I'd also take this law to task.... it's as much my right to live in
Kennesaw and not own a handgun as it is your right to live there and own
Scott Stewart
ColdFusion Developer
7241 Jillspring Ct.
Springfield, Va. 22152
(703) 220-2835

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:40 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: VA Massacre & Gun Control

> Does training also teach the discipline to know when is the proper time to
> draw your weapon and when not to?

Yes-- Jesus Christ, have you *ever* been to a firearms self defense training
course?  Have you ever even read the table of contents of a curriculum?

> I have no problem with well trained, reasonable, sane people carrying
> firearms, however there must be laws in place to ensure that only well
> trained, reasonable, sane people have access to and can carry firearms.

OMG... Once again from the top: laws don't "ensure" *anything*; they only
describe what is allowed and what the punishment is for not complying.
Everyone say it with me: "Criminals don't follow laws... That's why we call
them 'criminals.'"

> I do think you're asking for trouble by carrying a gun in a holster on
> hip everywhere you go.

Oh, really?  Ever been to Kennesaw, Georgia?  It's the safest well-populated
city in the country, which started the year following the establishment of a
law making it illegal to *not* own a handgun.  Many people carry open
holstered in Kennesaw, and lots more carry concealed.  The police let you
use their range and make free training available.


Adam Phillip Churvis
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
BlueDragon Alliance Founding Committee

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